Becoming an Arts Award Supporter is getting simpler

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Supporter. 

Thank you to everyone who took part in last year’s review of Arts Award Supporter led by The Audience Agency. You told us you think Supporter is a great scheme which benefits young people and organisations, but it needs to be simpler for you to use.

We are therefore simplifying the process 

In future, you will carry all information about your Arts Award offer on your own website.  There will be no need to log in or update your Supporter profile.


We are in the process of moving to a new system - so the current system is offline for a few weeks. If you are a current Supporter we will let you know when the tranistion happens, in the meantime think about making sure your webpage is a good as possible. You can read more here

If you want to become a Supporter email us and we will let you know when the new process goes live. In the meantime you might want to create your Supporter webpage - you can read more here.